Anyway, my twin and I share so many things. And planning for our homeschooling with our children is one of the most wonderful connections. We discuss where the Lord is leading us as we teach our children about God and His Holy Word. We share moments of divine intervention when we fail - how the Lord so graciously teaches us as we get back up and try again. We share joys as our children grow and change, understand deep spiritual principles practiced in real living... and we share ideas. Especially the ones that worked - the ones that hit down deep in the souls of the little ones we are entrusted with.... the ideas that are gifts of creativity and give glory to out Creator.
We are finishing up with the letter R this week. (We both spend 2 weeks per letter) And the rainbow connections we have made have been exciting and loud. What a way to spend some time with your cousins! Check out some of our fun!
Rainbow Water Play ***
No, those aren't floating carrots...Yes, Ivy ate a lot of food coloring that morning! We evened it our with some healthy veggies!
Other than causing the water to turn an ugly brown, the children all loved splashing in their own rainbows! Start with some dollar store ice cube trays (the ones with the seasonal shapes) and food coloring, add in some scoops and sieves and such, and you have an environment for pouring, transferring and floating fun! Just be sure to have a few thirsty towels on hand!
Reaching for a Rainbow!
Rainbow Story Time ***
We read about Noah and God's promise to never flood the entire earth again. We had out our box of puppets and the children all fed and cleaned up after our "animals". I felt led to talk to them about the great responsibility of caring for those beasts day after day... night after night. Surly Noah's wife grew tired of the smells and sounds of those creatures - no matter how much of an animal lover she may have been! The big boys drew a part of the story to record what they remembered.
You guessed it... Gavin loved the torrential downpour. Destruction! How 4-year old boy of him!
Rainbow Band***
With Boom Whackers, Hand bells, and Rainbow Ribbon Twirlers... we made music to brighten up this snow-covered neighborhood. I'm sure they could all hear us if they listened well enough! The children loved just exploring with the music - playing chase and catch with the ribbons... and being surrounded with scarves and laughter. It was a wonderful time for the body and soul (just maybe not the ears)!
Our Lady in Red!
Rainbow Sorting and a Rainbow Snack***
We gave the older boys a pinch or so of Rainbow Jimmies to sort and then lick up. Once I called them "little guys", Gavin decided they probably had feelings and didn't want to eat his. But other than a few emotional overreactions, they loved pushing such tiny wonders around. And the yummy pretzels were shared by us all!
Sooo tasty! We could have thrown back quite a few of these lovely little treats!
Rainbow Science***
So dish soap cuts grease, or in our case cuts milk fat. Add some food coloring to the milk and chase it away with some liquid Ajax - and you have a rainbow science experiment. We followed auditory directions, counted out drops, talked about staining, made predictions, and observed colors twirl and swirl until new colors were made. The kids all loved watching this one!
Rainbows!! What a wonderful way to spend time together with family and have lots of preschool learning!
How fun! It does look like a lot of fun to have a twin, especially when your kids are the same ages and you can do this kind of stuff with them.