I felt like a stranger in a foreign land - like I forgot the rules of the road and how to speak in complete sentences to strangers. I was looking around the grocery store at the colorful balloons and I forgot for a few moments why I was there. When I drive at night I borrow Mike's glasses (large and military style... not so cute on me). It was only until I reached home that I remembered that I wore them into the store - with my hair pulled back in a bun that had been twisted and re-done about twenty times throughout the day. I wore sweatpants - in public. Not the cozy velvety kind - the ugly grey kind that you are not supposed to wear. I looked like I was scheduled for surgery - and I forgot that some of that matters.
But as I came back home (all-natural popsicles in hand - a bit more pricey, but sooo tasty!) I remembered to be thankful. Thankful that my family is on the mend, that I have the freedom to go and grab something small and special, thankful that my nation isn't in upheaval like those mothers in Egypt who are wondering if they will be able to even feed their children tomorrow. I was thankful that the last few days had been filled with some deep spiritual conversations with my son... ones that included whether or not God knew us before we were born, and why He asks us to go into dark places to share His love. I was so thankful for the warmth and security of my home, family, and Savior.
Anyway - there are a few changes I am planning on making around here as the snow is to grow deeper and my mind free of sinus pressure. I need to increase my activity - and seek out means to engage in active play within my home. My kids need more of this - but I am in great need of some exercise.
And I need to tell others that I love them more. I have brothers whom I hardly talk to. I have nieces and nephews whom I feel I know so little about. I need to spend some time caring for and checking in with the family who lives so far away... for they are so close in my thoughts, so real in the stories I tell Gavin, and I just miss them.
I thought I'd share a few pics of what we've been up to around here. Being sick and a bit snowbound lends itself to lots of creative play. We've been digging through a math tote... one full of games much too hard for right now, but full of manipulatives and things that are all new to explore.
S is for Schoolin' ***
Gavin worked with unifex cubes and some dry-erase markers to build "snow towers". I can get him started on these types of tasks and he can finish on his own. It's so cool to see such independent progress!
S is for Snow ***
We read a few good books about snow... and used a few rubber stamps to make a groups snow picture. We talked about how snow is like God's love... covering over our dirty hearts with His beautiful forgiveness. So true.
We made a "Mega Tent" with Daddy's help. It became the afternoon hang-out for some math and card games.
Mega Tent was also the location for a bit of story time. We read "The Jacket I Wear in the Snow"... one of my favorites - and all sat on top of our own winter coat. Snow very fun.
We built snow pictures out of pattern block stickers. Ivy loved coloring over each sticker piece Daddy laid down. She tried putting the stickers on herself, but grew too cranky. Gavin built a technicolor whistling snowman. Not too bad.
We celebrated Ivy's 18 month birthday... complete with a box cake and an unexpected gift. Cute new hat huh?? My mother-in-law's friend at work knit it! I can't get over how quickly time is flying. My little girl is saying, "Mommy, see?" and "I found it!" She is kissing every baby in every book and loves to be held closely from dusk until bedtime. I love her so.
Some fun with Cuisenaire Rods....and to top it all off... "The Clothesline of Randomness"... who knows where play might just lead you! It's good to see the sanity genes running in the family.
I guess S is for Stuck inSide with my Special Sweeties. Super.